Paid Media

Achieve your growth goals with strategy-led Paid Media that is built for your e-commerce business.

Get started with us

Don’t settle for digital advertising that doesn’t meet your KPIs.

We’ve been managing and creating ads for over a decade. While the core principles haven’t changed, strategies need to continuously adapt. Our Paid Media service is built around four key components essential for efficient and effective digital advertising: strategy, creative, execution and reporting. Whether we manage every aspect of your Paid Media or integrate with your existing efforts, we’re transparent in our ability to tailor our approach to meet your business needs.


Looking for proof?

Transparent strategies that turned business goals into limitless growth, we couldn’t be more excited to share our clients’ success.


KC HiLiTES Paid Media Case Study

7X in-platform ROAS

$1M+ profitable ad spend

Case Study

International Education Evaluations Paid Media Case Study

41% decrease in CPA

56% increase in ROAS

The team at Strat88 have been instrumental in the growth of KC. I appreciate their work ethic, accountability and overall integrity when working on vast and complex projects. I know I can trust them to provide me the best in class domain expertise when I need it the most. We have been working together for half a decade and love the work that they produce in every aspect. Highly recommended.

Andy Wang

Head of Growth